Patients & Caregivers

Patient and Caregiver Course Details

The CCC Patient and Caregiver Education course includes access to 2.5 hours of educational videos that review dosage and titration, understanding labeling, transporting medicine safely, and more. Each video is between 10-20 minutes long. The program also includes access to download our Patient’s Guide to Medical Cannabis and Patient’s Guide to CBD. Participants will receive a certificate to download when they have completed the full course.

Videos include:

The Endocannabinoid System – This section explains how cannabis interacts with this recently discovered system in the human body to provide a wide range of therapeutic benefits. The Endocannabinoid System was not discovered until 1994, and scientists are still unlocking its secrets.

Cannabis 101 – Learn the basics of the cannabis plant, preparations, side effects, and much more. This section has information that every patient needs to know and understand.

Cannabis Research and Clinical Data – The field of medical cannabis research is advancing rapidly. This section explores the latest frontiers and their significance for patients treating a variety of symptoms and disease states.

Cannabis-based Medicines – Pharmaceutical companies are using whole cannabis and compounds found in cannabis to create conventional medicines. This section discusses cannabis-based pharmaceuticals, their use, availability, and reported patient experience.

Choosing Your Medicine: Potency, Delivery Methods, and Dosage – Unlike pharmaceutical drugs, the selection and dosing of herbal medicine is based, in part, on trial and error and user feedback. Metabolism, prior exposure, variation in composition, and route of administration all play a role in finding the best medicine and dose.

Obtaining Your Medicine – This section addresses how to individualize choice of medicine, where to obtain medicine, and what rights and expectations one should have as a medical cannabis consumer.

Safely Using, Storing and Transporting Medical Cannabis – The potency and overall quality of medical cannabis depends on how it is stored and handled. This section shows strategies for protecting medicine from damage or deterioration. This section also explains how to interpret information on labels and provides basic safety information.

Medical Cannabis in Your Life – This section suggests strategies for talking to your doctor, loved ones, employer, and others about legal medical cannabis use.

History of Medical Cannabis – This section provides an important historical perspective on the scientific, legal, and political landscape for medical cannabis in the United States. Find out where we are now and how we got here.